High School and Beyond Plan
Each student will complete a High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) as part of the Washington State high school graduation requirements. Portfolios will be created during 7th grade and updated annually with final completion during the senior year. The Prairie High School Career Center coordinates the orientation, implementation and data management of its students’ High School and Beyond Plan.
The HSBP includes interest surveys, career research, goal setting, course selection for high school, resume and references creation and post-secondary planning.
Students who transfer into Battle Ground School District will consult with the Career Center for HSBP requirements.
Grade-specific instructions may be located in the Career Center Google Classroom, join code m6ua7lm (that’s a lower case L after the 7). Click on Classwork and scroll to HSBP.
If you have any questions, please contact the Career Center at 360-885-5006.
Change to graduation recognition for the class of 2028 and beyond
Students take many different academic paths in high school, from career/technical classes to Advanced Placement to Running Start and more. In recognition of the many ways that students achieve academic success, Battle Ground Public Schools plans to expand recognitions at high school graduations starting with the class of 2028 (eighth graders in 2023-24). Each high school will recognize the top 5% based on GPA during graduation ceremonies. Although schools will not designate a valedictorian and salutatorian, class rankings will continue to be available as needed for scholarships and other purposes. Learn more.