
Early learning / preschool
See all early learning options in the district, from preschool to kindergarten.
For kindergarten enrollment, follow the instructions below. For general kindergarten information, visit the kindergarten enrollment webpage.
To enroll in kindergarten, your child must be 5 years of age before Aug. 31.
Current students
Students already going to school in the district DO NOT have to re-enroll (e.g., eighth graders will automatically be enrolled by the district in their home high school). If your child is already a Transitional Kindergarten student or preschooler in the district and you already have a Skyward account, you do not need to complete an application for your child to attend kindergarten. Instead please contact the school that your child will attend. It is also necessary to contact the school for Jump Start registration.
New students
Enroll your child online through Skyward (Family Access). Please have required documentation ready to upload. Enrollment cannot be completed without this documentation.
If you are new to the district and do not have an account,
please select New student enrollment and Skyward account request.If you already have a child in the district (including a Transitional Kindergarten student or preschooler) or you have an account or recently received a temporary account, please select Student enrollment for current BGPS families with a Skyward account.
A social security number is not required for enrollment.
Which school will my child attend?
Find out which school your child will attend by visiting our boundary maps page. Look up your address in the Clark County Property Information Center to determine your assigned school. You may also contact the Battle Ground Public Schools Transportation/Boundary Office at 360-885-6577 or email the boundaries department.
What do I need to complete the process?
During the enrollment process, you must upload the required documentation. Students cannot enroll without the required documentation. Required documents include:
Child’s unofficial transcripts from all previous schools (entering grades 9-12 only).
Birth certificate (kindergarten students and first graders who have not yet attended school).
Completed and signed Washington state certificate of immunization status or certificate of exemption that is current with the state requirements. Read more about immunization requirements. All immunization records must be medically verified.