November 22nd, 2024
Hello BGVA families,
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! This will be our last weekly newsletter for November.
Be watching for the next one, arriving in your mailbox, Friday Dec 6th; the most wonderful time of the year!
I would like to finish out our month with this thought. In my college days, I competed as a road cyclist and I fell in love with the sport. This week’s quote comes from a 3 time Olympic gold medal cycling champion, Kristin Armstrong.
‘The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know.’
As we enter into this season of holidays, we often step out of our normal routines. I would encourage you to take the advice of this gold medal olympic champion and commit to surrounding yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you can invite into your life. I believe we owe that to ourselves.
Recently, we informed you through our weekly newsletter and a specific dedicated email of our new School Data platform. The new School Data platform is a robust tool that parents can use to stay fully connected with their students' academic progress. Check your email for a short video demonstrating the process of creating your account and getting connected with your students' learning.
Thank you to all the families who joined our Online Success Workshop on November 14th. For the families that attend, we get very positive feedback. Mark your calendars for our final Online success workshop for Thursday, February 13th from 5:00-6:00 PM.
Family/Parent Portal - Imagine/Edgenuity
Parents/Families and Guardians, this Family/Parent portal is becoming a very useful tool for families to stay current with their students' academic progress. As we come to the end of the month, I highly recommend creating a Parent profile on the Family portal website. It is another way to support your student’s success. To get your Parent Portal Activation Code: please email your request to and
With the possibility of inclement weather, BGVA is now designated as a South school. Moving forward; this means we will follow the BGSD South school schedule when there are snow days or changes in the regular school days.
An important reminder regarding the West gate of the RHL/MGP/BGVA campus near the Battle Ground Cinema. According to BGPS, the West gate is an EMERGENCY ONLY access gate. It is not to be used by students, parents or community members to enter or leave the school campus. All students, parents and community members must enter through the gates at the south of the campus by the flagpole. If you need access to BGVA please feel free to call the office at 360-334-5250 and we will gladly let you in through the front gates.
Check emails regularly: It is very important for students and families to check emails frequently. This is our main form of communication and we do not want you to miss any important details your family may need.
Here are a few other important items for you to consider:
Weekly student/Teacher contact: According to State policy, weekly student/Teacher contact is required. This can include direct emails or through the online classroom platforms. Please make sure you are responding to emails and class prompts weekly to ensure we are all in compliance with Alternative Learning Education (ALE) requirements.
Activity Participation: Local Middle and High School. As a BGVA student, you are eligible to participate at your local middle or high school for their after school activities; such as sports, drama, band and other activities. Studies show that students engaged in extracurricular activities have better attendance and higher grades. Make sure you reach out to your local school or contact your BGVA advisor if you have any additional questions regarding these opportunities.
Good Happenings at BGVA
Trekkers, grades 3-5: We have a few changes in our meeting schedule for the next two weeks. On Monday, November 25, all students are welcome to join our Monday Morning Trekker Talk virtual class from 9:00 - 9:45 for some fun activities, since we won't have our regular virtual class next week. This will take the place of our normal grade level meetings. Tuesday, November 26 will remain our normal in person day at BGVA from 10:00-12:00. For the following week, on Monday, December 2, Mr. Cain will lead my Monday morning virtual grade level meetings (9:00 - 10:30). On Tuesday, December 3, Mr. Cain will be the teacher for our in person class from 10:00-12:00. On Monday and Tuesday, December 2 and 3, the drop in help time (Virtual Lab) will be canceled. If you have any questions about this, please call or send an email to me.
Thank you! Mrs. Karlsen
Ms. Harriers K-2 Newsletter
Explorers - Middle school messages are being delivered through Skyward, make sure to check your emails regularly. Keep up the good work!
High School
Hey Mountaineers - We are 1/2 way through the semester now. It is time to be diligent and work in your classes for the allotted time needed to complete them. Also, be diligent in checking your email daily. This is not the time to procrastinate, this is the time to be proactive!
HS Mountaineers Newsletter
We will continue working together to “Foster the Joy of Learning”.
Mr. Stanfill
BGVA - Principal