Policies and procedures
Full-time students will attend BGVA labs in person at least twice a week (or when possible during the pandemic). Part-time high school students work at their home school during a daily assigned course period. Exceptions are made to this depending upon individual student success and circumstances.
Academic dishonesty: Cheating / forgery / plagiarism
Cheating is when a student knowingly submits the work of others and represents it as his/her own. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. Any student who knowingly aids or abets the accomplishment of cheating shall also be subject to appropriate corrective action.
Forgery is falsely representing a parent’s/legal guardian’s or teacher’s signature in any way, altering, erasure, or other tampering with a teacher’s grade, either on paper or on the computer, will result in appropriate corrective action.
Plagiarism is the taking of language, ideas, or thoughts from another person or source, and representing them as original work. Students who use plagiarized papers or projects, or are involved in any other form of cheating, will be subject to reduction in grades and/or appropriate corrective action.
View the Student Handbook for more details
Computer accessibility
Each student must own or have access to a computer with internet capabilities and the Battle Ground School District’s email system. Online courses require a strong working knowledge of computers and the internet. Students are expected to be comfortable using these technologies before entering an online course. Computers must be able to access the internet with an up-to-date browser and with Java and cookies enabled. If a course does have a specific technology requirement it will be listed in the prerequisites for the course.
For more details view our acceptable use Guidelines/Internet Safety Requirements Policy 2022P.
Driving & Parking
Full-time BGVA students will follow RHL policies and procedures. The RHL campus is a closed campus. Students eat their lunch on the school grounds or in the cafeteria. No exceptions without an administrator approval. Students will not leave campus with a non-family related student, especially in a car, without prior written permission on file in the school office. Part-time students will follow their home school policy.
Parking for all students and family members is in the Maple Grove parking lot closest to the church. Overflow parking is provided by the church in the rear of their building. Vehicles parked in the front of the church will be towed. The exception is the handicapped spots which are located directly in front of the River HomeLink building. Please do not drop off/pick up students using the bus lanes/staff parking lot. Buses arrive and depart all school hours. Do not park at the movie theater or adjacent spots in the Gardner Center.
Students are required to use their Battle Ground Public School email account for all communications regarding their online course. Student use of email falls under the Battle Ground Public School District’s Network Resources Acceptable Use Agreement.
Excused absences
All absences of students will require a note or personal contact (written note, phone call or email) by the parent/legal guardian or the absence will be considered unexcused. Any absence not excused within three (3) days after the return of the student to school will not be excused at a later date unless approved by an administrator.
All student absences due to illness or health conditions of five (5) or more consecutive days duration will require verification by appropriate medical personnel upon return of the student to school. Failure to provide acceptable verification may result in the absences being determined as “unexcused”.
Grades for online courses will be awarded at the end of each semester and placed on the students’ transcript. Parents can receive weekly progress reports.
BGVA follows the district grading policy for original credit high school courses.
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = less than 60%
Inquiry Resolution Policy
In the rare instance that a situation may arise concerning any issue regarding platform content, advisor, staff or teacher complaint to weekly contact, WSLP’s or any other topic not specifically outlined will be addressed in the following manner:
First point of contact for the student/family will be the Learning Specialist in the BGVA office. These individuals will assess the needs of the student and family to best resolve any matter that may arise. Please click here to view our BGVA Inquiry Resolution Policy.
Instructional materials
Instructional materials required for a course, such as books or software, will be checked out and returned through the home school media center (full-time online students will return materials through the BGVA program staff). Students will be responsible for any loss or damage in accordance with school board policies.
Non-graded courses
Washington State History to remediate the state graduation requirement can be taken as a non-graded option. The quizzes and finals will be scored in accordance with BGVA policy, but no grade or credit will be awarded. The student transcript will reflect Washington State History requirements as met. Digital orientation is not required for this course.
Students must follow school policy regarding cell phone use. Exceptions may be made by the classroom teacher.
School cancelation
In the event of inclement weather affecting road conditions, such as snow, ice or severe and widespread wind damage, schools might be closed or start late. These decisions are typically made before 6 a.m. and made through phone calls, email messages, posting on the district website and social media and recorded on the school district’s “snow line” 360-885-5343. Students are expected to work online from home.
Specialty courses
World Language, CTE/Electives, and Advanced Placement are specialty courses that require teacher recommendation, prerequisites, and approval from BGVA.
If the student leaves the program at any time during the school year, the student and/or parent must notify ROL so that teachers can provide grades and close the students’ account. All district owned books or equipment must be returned and all fees/fines owed to the school or cafeteria must be paid.
If you wish to unenroll your student from BGVA, please complete the Student Withdrawal Request form.