Adventurers: Discover middle school online learning options through the Imagine Edgenuity platform. Students practice social skills such as problem solving, working with others and hands on learning.
6-8 Online Learning Program Overview
Online Courses- Imagine Edgenuity Platform
Mixture of video and text
Online worksheets/ notes sheets to print or download
Mixture of lessons, assignments, quizzes, projects, etc.
Elective Mode Choices
Includes Art, PE and Health, and Occupational Education courses
Online courses
In-person at River HomeLink or default school
Home directed, parent create, teach, and assess Washington State standards
Weekly Directed Studies (required) Remote (Zoom / Google Meet) or In-Person
Classroom experience in person or on Zoom or Google Meet
Practice academic social skills: problem solving, working with others, hands on learning
One day per week
Digital Lab: Remote through Zoom (optional)
Like a study hall
Get one-on-one help with a teacher
Review assignments, projects, completed work, etc.
Advising: Remote through Zoom or In-Person
Meeting with student, parent and advisor
Twice monthly, pre-scheduled for the full year
Complete monthly progress reviews
Edgenuity Grades 6-12
Courses that are in Edgenuity: Math courses, Civics, Current World Problems, US History, Contemporary World Studies, History electives, English 9- 12, Expository English, PE 2, some Science, Foreign Languages, and some electives.
Edgenuity login: Usernames and passwords are set to your district logins