Class of 2025 Senior Info
Welcome Class of 2025
Senior Pictures:
Senior pictures are due November 26.
Plain/neutral background preferred
Full-face view
Clothing and jewelry must fit school dress code guidelines
No creative filters or photographic treatments
No weapons or hand signs of any kind
Minimum Resolution of 300 DPI
Yearbook is not accepting pictures that are printed, on a CD, on a thumb drive, or emailed
Class of 2025!
We would like to introduce you to our official Graduation vendor, Royal-T / Herff Jones. Royal-T has been servicing schools in our area for over 40 years and Battle Ground High School is proud to partner with them in creating a memorable graduation experience for every Senior. They will be providing caps & gowns and our official Battle Ground graduation announcement, custom class rings, and jewelry, as well as 2025 apparel and memorabilia to ensure that this much-anticipated celebration is unforgettable.
This is time-sensitive and orders should be placed right away to ensure correct sizing and availability. Please take time to read through this email carefully. Contact Royal-T / Herff Jones with any of your questions.
Congratulations Class of 2025! We are excited for a great year! To keep you informed, there are a few things we wanted to share.
Graduation Product Timeline for Battle Ground High School
Today – Ordering Starts Now!
Place your order with an $80 down payment HERE.
November 17th, 2024 – Battle Ground High School’s ordering window ends.
Our website will remain open until the Spring, but this official ordering window is how we can guarantee our best prices, early delivery, and precise sizing on your items.
November 19th, 2024 – First Delivery.
We will deliver all apparel and other early delivery items during lunch. You will receive an email from us with pick up details if you have early delivery items available for pickup on this day. (Caps & gowns as well as all paper products will not be a part of this delivery in November. Those products will be delivered in the Spring.)
March 1st, 2025 - Final Payment Deadline.
You can make payments anytime throughout the year online at
Spring, 2025 – Final Delivery.
Cap & Gown and Graduation Announcement products will be delivered to the school, the exact date to be determined.
Class Ring Ordering Starts Now! Don’t forget to check out the Shop High School Jewelry link located HERE for Class Rings and other Custom Class Jewelry. Order your Class Ring before October 31st and your ring is guaranteed to arrive before Christmas!
We look forward to a great year! Do not hesitate to reach out to Royal-T / Herff Jones anytime for assistance at 360-254-7870 or through email at CLICK HERE to place your order today!!!

Change to graduation recognition for the class of 2028 and beyond
Students take many different academic paths in high school, from career/technical classes to Advanced Placement to Running Start and more. In recognition of the many ways that students achieve academic success, Battle Ground Public Schools plans to expand recognitions at high school graduations starting with the class of 2028 (eighth graders in 2023-24). Each high school will recognize the top 5% based on GPA during graduation ceremonies. Although schools will not designate a valedictorian and salutatorian, class rankings will continue to be available as needed for scholarships and other purposes. Learn more.